
Secure Pathology Lab Reports with Cloud Computing. We can demonstrate onPath™ on your computer from our office. Contact us for your personal demonstration.

  • Innovative dashboard for easy use.
  • Report formatted custom for your lab (sample )with images (sample)
  • Automatic Versioning history
  • Secure access to records, Removes backup concerns
  • Faster Pathologist approval process
  • Easy to use browser-based system ( SaaS )
  • Fast: stored Gross and Diagnosis standards make populating a report fast and easy
  • Automatic spell-checking
  • Insert images into report
  • Multiple physician-owned laboratories within onPath
  • Multiple locations for each clinician practice
  • Faster "voice-to-file" process (if used )
  • HL7 interface available

Save on postage, fax and labor. Pay for onPath with these savings alone.

  • Save on Storage. All digital records reside at our data center.
  • Remove HIPAA concerns. Records are transmitted securely.
  • Use your existing transcriptionists and equipment investment.
  • Cost effective. Documents can be viewed and approved anywhere.
  • Save on record retrieval, labor, copying, and filing and storage costs.
  • Produces standard PDF documents for easy integration to EMR systems.
  • Digital signatures assure document control and compliance with standards.
  • No software to buy,. Updates and support is included with your subscription.
  • Reports automatically available to referring physicians after approval.

Technology by   Ontrak Software, LLC